Munising Bay Trail Network

Community Partners with Munising Visitors Bureau

Club Mission

Create a non-motorized, multi-use trail system that provides a place to experience mountain biking, hiking, snowshoeing, trail running, and more in a natural environment while providing an opportunity to increase commerce for area businesses

Munising Bay Trail Network (MBTN) is a local organization focused on building a singletrack trail system in the greater Munising Bay area. MBTN was originated in 2012 from an idea formed between two individuals: Rob Lundquist and Mike Verhamme. They saw the potential in our hilly landscape for a phenomenal riding experience. And hiking too! MBTN is the flowering of those early efforts and today manages several miles and growing fast of singletrack in the Munising area.

This is an Equal Opportunity Program, Discrimination is prohibited by Federal Law. Complaints of discrimination may be filed with the USDS, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Washington, D.C. 20250

2025 Board members

President - Rhonda Lassila

Vice President - Zach Eckert

Secretary - Christine Berry

Treasurer - Kris Tidd

Trustees: David Lieble, Angela Miller, and John Miller    

imba supporter

We are an official supporter of the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA). We work closely with them to create great trails that are close to home.    



E-bikes are allowed on the City Trails in town but unfortunately the USFS does not allow them on non-motorized trails which would include Valley Spur and Bruno’s run. 

Club Documents Online

We keep our meeting minutes, agendas, event information, and other useful documents on Google Drive. Access our Google Drive folder to view any of those documents and keep up with what's going on. 

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